A Guide to the Book of Nehemiah | Agape Flashcards Bible Study eBooks

A Guide to the Book of Nehemiah | Agape Flashcards Bible Study eBooks

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          Nehemiah is a fascinating book about an incredibly devoted man and about a nation finally on the upswing. Leading up to Nehemiah, the Israelites have been through one disaster after another, more or less being scattered across the lands. Nehemiah’s heart was broken for his people and their fall from God’s favor. Nehemiah didn’t settle in despair though. Rather, his sadness fueled a beautiful vision of a united Israel and a rebuilt Jerusalem.

            Nehemiah devotes himself wholly to God, and through his strength, he unites and rebuilds a nation. Nehemiah is such an awesome example of what can be accomplished through faith, and how rock steady God is as our support. Nehemiah faced every obstacle possible, but he never gave up hope or faith in God.

            After reading Nehemiah, I hope that you can walk away with a better understanding of how steadfast God’s support and love for us is. If we can be like Nehemiah, stay close to God through every obstacle, then we can truly see nations transformed!